New to Craigmillar! A one year project, that aims to train Management Committee members & Voluntary members of Boards, in Disability Equality Training and duties under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The course will help delegates to:- Understand the range of barriers that affect disabled people
- Be confident when dealing with disabled people
- Know about the social model of disability
- Help to understand the language disabled people prefer to be used
- Understand the role charities and images have made to reinforce the stereotyping of disabled people in a historical context
- Understand your duties & responsibilities as a Committee member under part 3 of the Disability Discrimination Act “access to goods & services 2004”
- All training days will be facilitated by people with disabilities!
This training is a must for Organisations. The law has changed. Don’t allow your Organisation to fall short of the law “Know your responsibilities” Update your Knowledge of the DDA 1995 part iv access to goods & services. Protect your committee members and the reputation of your Organisation.
We can help, our friendly easy to understand training materials and trainers will by the end of a training day help you understand all you need to know to avoid discrimination being alleged or practised by or in your Organisation.
This training is free to your Organisation or Project; we only ask that you provide lunch and somewhere accessible to meet. We can help you find a venue if you do not have one of your own. Each training day is for 20 people you may have to share if you are unable to fill the spaces. You can even propose the day & date for the training to take place; we have 12 days of free training for you so you need not miss the opportunity or be told a course is filled throughout the next 12 months (final training day possible must be facilitated by end Feb 06)
What to do next: complete the attached form in full and return to me as soon as possible. Once I have reviewed the forms I will be able to contact you to plan your day. The next step will be to consult with you, with filling any spaces unused by your Organisation or Project, deciding on a venue and the program.
Please bear in mind that our training is to help you minimise any liability within the context of the Disability Discrimination Act and to give a better understanding of disability issues and customer care toward disabled people.
On Behalf of the DDS group