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This training pack was produced by the Democracy Disability and Society Group. We have had the support and assistance of several other organisations and individuals, to whom we're extremely grateful. These include:

[Royal Mail logo]The Royal Mail - who gave us a grant to part fund the the project to build this web site and to write the training pack.

[The Thistle Foundation logo]The Thistle Foundation - for hosting the group, and in particular Sandra MacKenzie, group development worker, for looking after us and frequently chairing the meetings and keeping us going.

The Community Education Department of the City of Edinburgh Council and in particular Lorrane Borwick, literacy worker, for turning our thoughts into words, and Gillian Lawrence, community education worker.

[The City of Edinburgh Council logo]The City of Edinburgh Council for funding the taxi workshop event, which was held on 6 December 2002 to mark the United Nations International Day of Disabled People.

Bill Fisher - disability consultant, for tireless support and advice

John Robinson - IT consultant and our webmaster, for producing the web pages

Andy Dick - E-mail your comments about this site and any suggestions you may have for improvements.

Jean Bareham, trainer and consultant.

Marianne Humphries - former Literacy Support Worker for all her support, Community Education.

Tom Robertson and Jim Dougan - taxi drivers without whom we could not have done the taxi workshop event, and whose input was invaluable

Brian O'Rourke and Alice Stilgre - for video work, filming the taxi workshop event

Keith Liddle - our wonderful illustrator, for the cartoons and diagrams

David Hay - for editing the film and producing the clips for the web site

Janet Howie, Eddie Cameron and Neil Kenny - for taking part in the taxi workshop event

Karen Sutherland - for the video clip from her film "Yes, my Brain Works - Does Yours?", Edinburgh Youth Social Inclusion Partnership

Vicky Haylott - for her comments on the section "assisting a passenger with a visual impairment".


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