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[Taxi Training project logo]


[From the front page cartoon strip] The driver pushes the passenger - the wheelchair user - up a ramp to his taxi
Correct procedures

This is the more practical section, where we give information on what a taxi driver can do to provide a better service to his or her disabled customers.

What is Quality Customer Care?

The way that a taxi driver gives the best possible service to each customer will vary for each customer, and where the customer is a disabled person, it will vary depending on the impairment. We've prepared particular advice corresponding to some common kinds of impairment, and you can pick and choose the order you want to read them in. There are two pieces of advice that always apply though:

How to give the best Quality Customer Care...

[right arrow icon] a customer who uses a wheelchair
[right arrow icon] a customer who has a mobility impairment
[right arrow icon] a customer who is deaf or has a hearing impairment
[right arrow icon] a customer who is blind or has a visual impairment

[left arrow icon]previous page - the dda