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how to > wheelchair | mobility | hearing | visual |
> conclusions | acknowledgements |
[Taxi Training project logo]


Now you know how to handle that, you could go and look at how to give better quality customer care to another kind of customer:

[right arrow icon] a customer who uses a wheelchair
[right arrow icon] a customer who has a mobility impairment
[right arrow icon] a customer who is deaf or has a hearing impairment
[right arrow icon] a customer who is blind or has a visual impairment

[From the front page cartoon strip] Looking into the front of the taxi, the driver grins broadly, and the passenger can be seen in the back
Better customer service

If you've read all these sections, you should go on to our conclusions page.

[info icon]DPTAC web site
[info icon]DPTAC advice for taxi drivers
[info icon]TRANSfED web site

Also, there's more good information provided by the Disabled Passengers' Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC), and by TRANSfED - Passenger Transport Forum for Employee Development.

    [right arrow icon]conclusions - next page