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[Taxi Training project logo]


[info icon]MACS web site
[info icon]TRI web site
[info icon]Transport in Social Inclusion report
[info icon]Transport Provision report
All the research quoted here is used with the permission of the respective owners.

The Mobility & Access Committee Scotland (MACS) showed "that transport is the largest single concern amongst disabled people". A lack of accessible public transport in many localities restricts people's ability to get out and about.

The Scottish Executive research entitled "The Role of Transport in Social Inclusion in Scotland" - carried out by the Transport Research Institute at Napier University (TRI) - found "that disabled people living on the edges of towns and cities suffer a degree of geographical exclusion and also have concerns about personal safety when travelling, especially after dark".

The Scottish Accessible Transport Alliance (SATA) have recently petitioned the Scottish Executive to recommend that at least 50% of taxis in a licence area should be fully accessible and that they also should have a concessionary fare scheme that made taxis affordable for at least 14 single trips a week throughout the year.

All this means that disabled people rely heavily on taxis.

In 1999 The Scottish Office research entitled Transport Provision for Disabled People in Scotland found that:

We undertook our own research, contacting the local authorities in Scotland.

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